Other people

Sartre said that hell is other people and Woody Allen said that the only problem with sex is that someone else has to be there.  Well, I am not as much of a sour puss as either of them.  I am very much introverted but I love the company of other people.  People are one of my favorite photographic subjects too.  I have a very pronounced preference for unscripted pictures, pictures in which the subject does not know she is being photographed, and pictures where little is happening other than a person being there.  Here's a good example:



My camera has a silent shutter, which allowed me to get this image of the girl without her awareness even though my lens was no more than eighteen inches from her face.  I was standing near her in the sound booth of my church during service.  My camera sat on the counter top pointed, I hoped, in the right direction.  Clearly the sermon was not speaking to her, which was good for the picture.  Being preoccupied creates a strong sense of interiority.  Certainly the mystery of other people is one of the profoundest in the cosmos.  My world radiates out from myself through my eyes, but so does hers.  How two sets of radiation, of consciousnesses, can coexist is incomprehensible to me and yet it goes on about me every single day.  Go figure.