
Just as I am despairing that the terminal downward spiraling of humanity has gained enough momentum to be unstoppable - Trump, ISIS, reality TV, the Kardashians, the NRA, etc. - I discover that one of the competitions to gain entrance into the book Guinness World Records is the total number of t-shirts one person can wear at one time. The record is 257. And did you see the story about the impact of a stray chihuahua on the Bay Bridge? Rather than abandoning it to its fate, police on motorcycles got involved. Traffic was disrupted. It made national and international news. Over a dog! Yeah. Yeah. It'd be nice if the media paid more attention to real stories like the number of American children who have never been seen by a dentist, but still. I gather hope for our extraordinary species from t-shirt wearing contests and police on motorcycles going way out of their way to protect a little dog and that both of those are global news.