For intentionally spreading the virus, Republicans have committed crimes against humanity. You don't think they intentionally spread it? Ask yourself how you would maximize the number of deaths if your weapon was the corona virus. First you would deny that it is even real. Then, once you could no longer deny its reality, you would minimize its virulence and lethality. You would say you have it all under control. You would say that it would be gone by Easter. You would say that it will vanish magically. You would suppress information about the disease. You would attack authorities. You would politicize and degrade the credibility of the CDC. You would blame it on the media. You would withhold supplies and funds to fight it. You would intentionally allow the disease to spread in blue states and among minorities. You would promote preposterous treatments. You would mock methods such as mask wearing and social distancing. You would hold super-spreader events, at which you would oblige attendees to sign waivers to protect yourself against lawsuits. You would promote silly conspiracy theories such as claiming that Bill Gates or Anthony Fauci had created the virus. You would blame everybody you could, including China. All the while you would distract people with scary stories, such as reporting hoards of brown people breaking into our country. You would get the vaccine yourself and then not tell anybody that you had had yourself vaccinated. You would degrade confidence in the vaccine. Republicans did all of these things and that's what you would do to if your objective was to kill as many people as you could. The only reason the leaders of the T**** gang have not been hanged is that they have put so many officers in places of authority, such as the senate and the Supreme Court, that they can act with immunity.