There is a powerful mechanism in the cosmos that has not been accounted for by modern physics. This photo documents the effect. I needed to wear gloves this morning because I want to do something outside, live in Minnesota, and would like to continue in my life with the use of all of my fingers. The first four gloves that I found were all for my left hand. What happened to the right-hand gloves, which I used and stored in the exactly the same way and time as the left-hand gloves? Similarly, when I need a Phillips head screwdriver, the first three or four screwdrivers I find are all slots and vice versa when I want a slot screwdriver. (I found out while checking my spelling for this post that there is such a thing as a "line head female tamper screw driver." Wait, what?) And when I want to plug in a polarized jack, either USB or power plug, the first time is always wrong. Same with putting on a t-shirt in the dark. You'd think that you'd be right in the orientation back to front of the t-shirt at least part of the time. But, no. I'm fairly sure that the cosmic mechanism also controls traffic. Ever wait at a t-intersection for a break in the traffic so you can turn? You guessed it, a small break in traffic coming from one direction is always plugged by a single car coming from the other direction. The mechanism might even extend to headsets you put in your pocket, drawer, or bag. Why after the briefest period unsupervised does it emerge braided, twisted, knotted so badly I consider throwing it away rather than deal with the mess. Integrating the uncooperative headset phenomenon might be a reach theoretically and must await some genius who can a Unified Personal Obstruction Theory or UPOT. A Nobel Prize awaits the person who codifies the behavior of this obnoxious mechanism.